Selling Multi-Million Dollar Homes
Rex’s Executive Home Selling System gets $267,000 more!
The Executive Home Selling System, also referred to as the Multi-Million Dollar Home Selling Method, is the fastest way to sell any home for way more than it’s worth.
A recent home in Burbank, with online estimates of $1.510 million, was listed for $1.5 million and had zero offers after 30 days. Then Rex took over and the Executive Home Selling Method was implemented. The home received 44 offers in a single weekend. Ten were above $1.5 million, and the home was sold for $1,777,000—$267,000 above the online estimates.
This method generates unparalleled excitement for any property, regardless of its condition. For example, a recent fixer-upper sold for $122,000 over the Zillow estimates in just a weekend.
“This is normal,” says Rex Riffel, creator of the Executive Home Selling Method. “Some variation of this system has been used on probably over 800 homes now. We always get more than homes are worth. That’s what the system was designed to do.”
Sue Mehta, the owner of the Burbank property, recalls their initial hopelessness and lack of offers for the house. Upon meeting with Rex and learning how the system worked, they were impressed. Rex told them that there was no obligation to ever sell their home, that they could cancel anytime, and there was no cost if they decided not to sell. “We said, ‘Let’s go for it! After all, what did we have to lose?’”
Sue was blown away with the results. “Nobody wanted the house before, and suddenly we had ten offers way above market value!” Sue, a real estate broker herself, had never seen anything like it. The house was sold in AS IS condition for above market value after just two open houses. “Anyone who needs to sell a house should meet with Rex to get more information,” says Mehta. “It leaves every other home-selling method in the dust.”
Contact Rex for more info:
Rex Riffel